These Fair Pay and Lived Experience Resources (see links below) were co-created by attendees of the ‘Fair Pay and Lived Experience’ events in April/May 2023 organised by Arts & Homelessness International and the Arts and Social Outcomes Network.

They have been co-created a response to the fact that people with lived experience of issues (including homelessness, the criminal justice system, poverty, aging, the asylum and detention system and with poor health) are not always paid fairly for their work and sometimes face barriers in progressing because of inflexibility with systems such as benefits.

The Manifesto calls for changes to rules and the UK Benefits Resource gives simple information about Universal Credit, Vouchers, income and volunteering.

AHI Fair Pay and Lived Experience – Benefits Resource (July 2023)

AHI Fair Pay and Lived Experience – Manifesto 2023

If you have any suggestions for the resources, please email

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